Planet Over Plastic
Almost anything and everything can be made from plastics—unquestionably the world's most versatile material. But plastics are made up of synthetic chemicals that are wreaking havoc on our planet. Single-use plastics are being restricted throughout the world due to their severe and long-lasting negative impacts. Now, it's our turn. Take a look below at what Telluride and Mountain Village are doing to help save the earth.

On June 16, 2022, the Mountain Village Town Council approved an ordinance banning single-use plastic bags and polystyrene (e.g., Styrofoam) takeout food containers and implementing a bag fee of $0.20. This ordinance went into effect on January 1, 2023. This ordinance builds off the Town's 2019 resolution aimed to drastically reduce single-use plastics voluntarily, beginning with our local merchants, lodgers, restaurants and grocers. The ordinance brings the Town of Mountain Village closer to its ultimate zero waste goal. Click here to download the brochure.

In November 2022, the Town of Telluride adopted the Prohibition and Ban on the Use and Sale of Certain Plastic Materials or Products Ordinance to further discourage the use of single-use plastics, including polystyrene products, known commonly as Styrofoam®. While Telluride has prohibited disposable plastic bags since 2011 by the passing of the Prohibition of Disposable Plastic Bags and Mandating Certain Standards and a Fee for the Use of Permitted Bags Ordinance, the Town felt further measures were needed to slow the impacts from single-use plastics, including the release of greenhouse gas emissions, litter in the environment, harm to wildlife, water consumption and solid waste generation. Click here to download the full brochure.