Tomboy Ghost Town

Take a Drive to Tomboy Town
Tomboy is a former mining town that in its heyday housed 1,000 residents. When the ore ran out, so did the people. The mine closed in 1927 and the town ceased to exist. There are several buildings and mining relics to explore. In July and August, you will find the hillside to the North full of wildflowers too!
Most likely you will not be alone on your visit to Tomboy. Listen for a high-pitched chirp and you will most likely find a few marmots ducking into the rockpiles. The chirp has earned them the nickname "whistle pigs" but there is nothing to fear from these small mammals.
The journey to Tomboy is best enjoyed by jeep, but for the intrepid adventurer, it can make a good hike. Just be wary of the other 4WD traffic which can kick up dust on busy summer days. Want to just relax and leave the driving to a guide who can give you a history lesson about the town? Try a jeep tour! Make it a day trip and keep going over Imogene Pass to Ouray!
Click here for current road conditions.
Please note: Per San Miguel County regulations, unlicensed off-highway vehicles (includes most ATVs) are prohibited on the first 2.5 mile segment of this road from the Town of Telluride to the road's intersection with Marshall Creek. Unlicensed OHVs originating from the Ouray side of Imogene Pass must turn around once they reach Marshall Creek (Look for the San Miguel County signs posted on the Tomboy Road).
Start in the town of Telluride at the north end of Oak Street and turn right on the dirt road (Tomboy Road). Continue past waterfalls and through a tunnel to arrive at the mining camp of Tomboy. The road continuing on to the pass is a steep grade with loose rock. You can continue to the town of Ouray but bring a map as there are several forks.